Tokyo German Village

Language Switcher

Tokyo German Village is 19 times the size of Tokyo Dome and there are too many attarctions to go around in one day.
Access from Tokyo is relatively easy, taking only 1 to 1.5 hours via the Aqua-line by car.

There are four main areas, and we will start with the country area.

The area is so vast that it is difficult to get around on foot.

We will use a car to get around the park.。

Admission is 1000 yen per adult. 500 yen per child. Parking fee is 1000 yen (August-September). Prices seem to change depending on the season.

The Country has an area with a plaza and playground equipment. There is no charge for this area.
This time, however, it started raining as soon as we started playing, so we had to stop for a while and move on.

There are several hands-on facilities in the market area, and this time we tried our hand at making key holders. Decorations are attached to animal-shaped skins, and letters are added using molds.

My daughter put her name on the dolphin shaped skin. She was pleased with her workmanship.

It was time for lunch, so I looked around for lunch.
I forgot the price, but I think it was a little over 1000 yen.

It has cleared up, and we play with a bicycle that produces soap bubbles when pedaled.

In the afternoon, move to the park area. There are various attractions such as mini-bikes, kids’ coasters, etc.

The grass sledding slope is large. It was not that crowded and comfortable.

Interesting bicycles. Here you can try out a variety of bicycles. This is a bicycle that jumps and moves forward. There were also other facilities such as an archery and a buzz car gun.

At the end of the day, we rode the Ferris wheel, which was at 4:30 p.m. I think we were just in time before the end of business hours.

It is about an hour from Tokyo, but the area surrounding the village is lush with greenery and feels like a suburb.

This time, I was able to visit most of the attractions in the park area, but not most of the facilities in the lake area and country area.
It is a huge theme park that cannot be fully explored in one day, so it is better to have a specific purpose in mind before you visit.
There are also many children’s facilities nearby, such as Mother Farm and Kodomo no Kuni Kids Dam, so I think it would be a good idea to stay overnight at the hotel.