Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Life in Japan Blog” (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”) declares that it will handle personal information safely and appropriately in accordance with the Privacy Policy set forth below.
The Site declares that it will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations, and will handle personal information safely and appropriately

Personal Information

“Personal information” refers to “personal information” as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. It refers to information about a living individual that can identify the specific individual by name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, and other descriptions contained in the information, as well as information that can identify the specific individual by itself, such as appearance, fingerprints, voice print data, and health insurance card insurer number. Information that can identify a specific individual from said information alone, such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, and other descriptions contained in said information.

Purpose of collecting and using personal information

The purposes for which we collect and use personal information are as follows:

When you make an inquiry on this site or register for our e-mail magazine, we may ask you to enter your name, e-mail address, and other personal information. Such personal information will be used only for the purpose of responding to your questions or sending you necessary information by e-mail and will not be used for any other purpose than the purpose for which the personal information was provided.

This site provides services for a fee. We use the information for billing purposes.

In addition, if a user attempts to use this site for an unauthorized purpose or engages in any activity that violates our terms of service or applicable laws and regulations, we may use personal information to identify the user and take appropriate action.

Change of purpose of use

  1. This site shall change the purpose of use of personal information only when the purpose of use is reasonably deemed to be related to the purpose of use before the change.
  2. In the event of a change in the purpose of use, this site shall notify the user of the changed purpose by the method prescribed by this site or publicly announce it on this website.

How we collect personal information

This site may request personal information such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc. when a user registers to use the site. In addition, transaction records and payment information, including the user’s personal information, between the user and the partner, etc., will be shared with the site’s partners (including information providers, advertisers, and advertisement distributors, etc.; hereinafter referred to as “partners”). Hereinafter referred to as “partners”). The information may also be collected from our partners (including information providers, advertisers, advertisement distributors, etc.).


This site uses access analysis services, various affiliate programs, and advertising distribution services. These ad-serving companies may use cookies to display advertisements for products and services that may be of interest to you, and information about your access to this and other sites.

Cookies are stored on your computer or device when you visit our site or other sites. However, this information does not include any personally identifiable information such as your name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number.

If you do not wish to have information collected by cookies, you can set your browser to refuse to accept them. However, this setting may prevent some of the contents from functioning properly or may prevent you from receiving some of the services. Please understand this in advance.

Please refer to the Google Policies and Terms for more information on how to set your browser to refuse cookies.

Access Analysis Tools

This website uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google, which uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not personally identify you.

Users can opt out of the collection of data by disabling cookies. Please check the settings on your browser.

Please refer to the Google Analytics Terms of Use and Google Policies and Terms for more information regarding this agreement.

Services/programs used or affiliated with this site

This site uses (or plans to use) advertising services and affiliate programs distributed by the following third parties, and transmits external information to Fan Communications, Value Commerce, Fourit, Rentrax, Infocart, and First Penguin. Penguin, Inc.

  • afb
  • Value Commerce Inc.
  • Rentrax
  • infotop
  • infocart
  • Access Trade
  • Rakuten Affiliates

The purpose of use is to measure the effectiveness of each ASP’s results and to prevent fraud. This information is not used to identify individuals. Such information will not be used for any purposes other than those described above.

Please refer to the privacy policy of each program to learn more about the information collected by these services.

Google Adsense

This site uses Google Adsense, a third-party advertising service. Cookies, device-specific information, location information, and other information collected from such devices may be used in the process of serving ads on this site. However, no personally identifiable information is collected in this process.

In addition, with respect to Google AdSense, you may set your own preferences to prevent ad-serving companies from using details and information about this process. However, this setting may cause some content to not function properly and some services to be unavailable. Please understand this in advance.

Please refer to the Google Policies and Terms for more information on how to configure this setting.

Amazon Associates Program

Takuya is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate program designed to provide a means for sites to earn referral fees by promoting and linking to

Through this program, third parties (Amazon and other advertisers) may provide content and advertising, collect information directly from visitors, and set or recognize cookies on visitors’ browsers.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

  1. Except in the following cases, this site will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the user. However, this does not apply to cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.
    1. When it is necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the user.
    2. When the provision of personal information is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned.
    3. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.
    1. When the following items are notified or announced in advance, and when this site notifies the Personal Information Protection Committee
      1. The purpose of use includes provision to a third party
      2. Data items to be provided to third parties
      3. Means or method of provision to third parties
      4. Cessation of provision of personal information to third parties at the request of the individual
      5. The method of accepting the request of the person in question
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the following cases, the party to which the relevant information is provided shall not fall under the category of a third party.
    1. When this site outsources all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use
    2. When personal information is provided as a result of the succession of business due to merger or other reasons
    3. When personal information is to be used jointly with a specific person, and this fact, the items of personal information to be jointly used, the scope of joint use, the purpose of use by the person using the information, and the name of the person responsible for the management of the personal information are notified to the person in advance or made readily available to the person in question or the name of the person responsible for the management of the personal information

Disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or suspension of use of personal information

If you wish to disclose, correct, add, delete, or discontinue the use of your personal information, we will promptly respond to your request after confirming your identity.

Privacy Policy Changes

  1. The contents of this policy may be changed without notice to the user, except as otherwise provided by law or otherwise in this policy.
  2. Unless otherwise specified by this website, the revised Privacy Policy shall take effect from the time it is posted on this website.

Illegal Activities

Any use of the contents of this site beyond the legally permitted scope of use or reproduction without the permission of the administrator is prohibited.

In the event that such an act is discovered, we will demand a fee or compensation for damages as deemed appropriate. In such cases, a reasonable fee may be added.

Contact for Inquiries

Please direct any inquiries regarding this policy to the following contact point.

Blog Manager:Takuya
Contact:Inquiry Form

June 23, 2023